D365 Finance and Operations disable the flight feature in a Tier-1 environment.

When we recently were updating one of our Tier-1 environments to 10.0.31 version we faced an issue with WHS mobile app.

The mobile app reverted to the login screen after trying to go to a specific menu. We tried the following options in order to resolve the issue:

  • Delete all user sessions from Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Mobile device logs > Work user sessions.
  • Delete and recreate the mobile app user configured/used for your tests (Warehouse management > Setup > Worker)

After an investigation we realized that the issue was rooting in Issue 704649 - Warehouse mobile app gives error "The size of the XML request exceeds the maximum valued allowed". This code changes controls with the flight WHSMobileAppXMLSizeValidationFlight.

So we decided to disable this flight by using the SYSFLIGHTING table. The procedure is nicely described in an old post I found here, I will adjust the procedure to our case.

For this purpose it is needed to add a record with the field Enabled = 1 for the kill switch for the flight, meaning for WHSMobileAppXMLSizeValidationFlight_KillSwitch.

Below specific steps to follow to enable the kill switch for the flight:

1. Add a record with this Insert statement for SYSFLIGHTING table, but please replace the appropriate values:

INSERT INTO SYSFLIGHTING VALUES ('FlightName', 1, 12719367, Partition, RecID, 1)

Note: After replacing 'FlightName' with the actual flight name, the values are/should be:

- 1 stands for Enabled

- 12719367 is the Flight service ID

- Partition = partition ID from your environment which can be obtained by querying (select) for any record. Every record will have a partition id which must be copied and used here.

- RecID = same ID as partition(*) (If there is no other record in SYSFLIGHTING table, then it can be one. Or you can can find one by executing "SELECT max(recid)+1 from SysFlighting")

- 1 is for the RecVersion

- actually, the SQL query could also be much simpler, like this


2 Verify that C:\AOSService\webroot\web.config has the correct DataAccess.FlightingServiceCatalogID. You should find a line with this key and a value of 12719367. If not, update accordingly the file and save it.


Having web.config file in the environment is a clear indication that key DataAccess.FlightingServiceCatalogID should have value 12719367 and this value should be used also in the SQL statement from above for the FLIGHTSERVICEID field value.

If web.config file is not present in the environment, but AXService.config file is present (see next note), it is a clear indication that environment is like an On-Premise deployment (which might be the case also for dev boxes or environments that are not Microsoft managed, but still on Microsoft cloud). In this scenario, see the next note with important differences.

Notes: (not having web.config file in the environment):

Verify that C:\ProgramData\SF\AOS_182\Fabric\work\Applications\AXSFType_App641\AXSF.Code.1.0.20200715180202\AXService.config has the correct DataAccess.FlightingServiceCatalogID. You should find a line with this key and a value of 0. If not, update accordingly the file and save it.

The AXService.config file path might be different (accordingly to your installation).

Having AXService.config file in the environment is a clear indication that key DataAccess.FlightingServiceCatalogID should have value 0 and this value should be used also in the SQL statement from above for the FLIGHTSERVICEID field value.

So, the SQL query should be like this:


3. Restart IIS and batch service

P.S. The issue was reported to Microsoft and it can be solved in 10.0.33 version.

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