Ax 2012 data upgrade in Tier-1 development environments(CHE). A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name “TrustServerCertificate”.

When I ran data upgrade using Data Upgrade 10.0.41 package, I faced an issue:

Executing step: 3
GlobalUpdate script for service model: AOSService on machine: localhost
perform data upgrade, sync AX database and deploy SSRS report
A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'TrustServerCertificate'.
The step failed.

On the Internet, I found that there might be a problem with a version of the SQL Server PowerShell module. When I installed the latest 22.x.x version I was able to resume the process. I performed the following steps:

Within a PowerShell prompt, I ran the following command: 
(Get-Command Invoke-SqlCmd).Module

In my case, I had 15.0 version.
In order to install the latest version I ran the command:
Install-Module -Name SqlServer -AllowClobber

When the process was completed, I ran the following PowerShell command to check the versions again: 
Get-Module -ListAvailable SqlServer, SqlPs

As a result, I saw version 22.x.x and I was able to continue with the data upgrade using the command: 
AXUpdateInstaller.exe execute -runbookid="MajorVersionDataUpgrade-runbook" -rerunstep=3

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