D365 Finance and Operations. Get path for the menu item via code.

In one of my previous posts, I have shared an idea of how a new Dynamics 365 SCM and Finance API can be used to get metadata of Dynamics 365 AOT elements. 

Learning a path to a menu item from a user interface perspective could come in handy.

So I have created the method that I would like to share:

public static str getMenuItemPath(str _menuItemName)
   MenuFunction mf = new MenuFunction(_menuItemName, MenuItemType::Display);
   str          menuLabel;
   str          ret;

   boolean iterateMenus(SysDictMenu _menu)

      SysMenuEnumerator       menuEnum = _menu.getEnumerator();
      SysDictMenu             subMenu;
      boolean                 found;

      while (menuEnum.moveNext())

         subMenu = menuEnum.current();
         if (subMenu.isMenu() || subMenu.isMenuReference())
            found = iterateMenus(subMenu);

            if (found) // If found, just climb back up the stack

               menuLabel = strFmt('%1/%2', subMenu.label(), menuLabel);

               return found;


            if (subMenu.isMenuItem()

             && subMenu.isValid()
             && subMenu.isVisible()
             && subMenu.menuItem().name() == mf.name()
             && subMenu.menuItem().type() == mf.type())
               menuLabel = subMenu.label();

               return true;


      return false;


   If (iterateMenus(SysDictMenu::newMainMenu()))

      ret = strfmt('%1', menuLabel);

   return ret;


You can find a couple of examples of using the method presented above, below :

1. info(strFmt('%1', Class::getMenuItemPath('SalesTableListPage')));

It will return the result: Accounts receivable/Orders/All sales orders

2. info(strFmt('%1', Class::getMenuItemPath(menuItemDisplayStr(InventLocations))));

It will return the result: Inventory management/Setup/Inventory breakdown/Warehouses

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