Tier-1(CHE) and Unified Developer Experience (UDE) environments build error: Another build is in progress.

In some cases you may face an issue with a model or project build in a Tier-1 environment.The error can be "another x++ build is currently running" or "another build is in progress". 

I guess, advice on how to solve this problem can be easily found on the Internet. For example, you can restart your virtual machine or kill the build process (xppcAgent) manually and try again. 

I believe it would be great to know the reason for this issue. In Visual Studio 2022, there is a setting called "Build Modules in Parallel". If it is enabled, you might constantly face the issue mentioned above.

So, it makes sense to check and deactivate this parameter in order to increase build stability in Tier-1 or Unified Developer Experience (UDE) environments.

D365 SCM warehouse mobile device development approach. Macros or constants.

As you might know there are a lot of controls and related macro commands in the WHS classes. It is not really convenient to search for macro commands in code, since they are not supported by the cross-reference feature.

In D365 Finance and Operations, there is an option that can help simplify the development of warehouse mobile flows and tracking using the existing commands. It is constants.

In my opinion, the best example of the mentioned option is the "ProcessGuideDataTypeNames" class. Inside the class you can find a lot of constants that are used in the mobile device flows. 

As you can see, macros are used at the class declaration level, but with a specific reference to a value in the WHSRF macro. As a result, you can use cross-references to find all the places in the code where the constants are used.

In general, constants have the following advantages over macros:
  • You can add a documentation comment to a constant but not to the value of a macro. Eventually, the language service will pick up this comment and provide a useful information to the user.
  • A constant is known by IntelliSense.
  • A constant is cross-referenced. Therefore, you can find all references for a specific constant but not for a macro.
  • A constant is subject to access modifiers. You can use the private, protected, and public modifiers. The accessibility of macros isn't rigorously defined.
  • Constant variables have scope, whereas macros don't have scope.
  • You can see the value of a constant or a read-only variable in the debugger.
  • Full control of the type for the constant.
  • You can also define constants as variables only. The compiler will maintain the invariant so that the value can't be modified.
  • A significant effect on the performance of the compiler.
Considering all the above, I would recommend you to use constants instead of macros in general, not only in WHS mobile device flow development.

Ax 2012 data upgrade in Tier-1 development environments(CHE). A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name “TrustServerCertificate”.

When I ran data upgrade using Data Upgrade 10.0.41 package, I faced an issue:

Executing step: 3
GlobalUpdate script for service model: AOSService on machine: localhost
perform data upgrade, sync AX database and deploy SSRS report
A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'TrustServerCertificate'.
The step failed.

On the Internet, I found that there might be a problem with a version of the SQL Server PowerShell module. When I installed the latest 22.x.x version I was able to resume the process. I performed the following steps:

Within a PowerShell prompt, I ran the following command: 
(Get-Command Invoke-SqlCmd).Module

In my case, I had 15.0 version.
In order to install the latest version I ran the command:
Install-Module -Name SqlServer -AllowClobber

When the process was completed, I ran the following PowerShell command to check the versions again: 
Get-Module -ListAvailable SqlServer, SqlPs

As a result, I saw version 22.x.x and I was able to continue with the data upgrade using the command: 
AXUpdateInstaller.exe execute -runbookid="MajorVersionDataUpgrade-runbook" -rerunstep=3

New dev tools service requirements to upgrade Tier-1 environments (CHE) to version 10.0.42 or higher.

If you are going to upgrade your developer cloud-hosted (OneBox) environments to version 10.0.42 or higher you should keep in mind that it is impossible without Visual Studio 2022 components.

If there are no Visual Studio 2022 components in your environment during the upgrade, you will see an error:

Executing step: 29
Update script for service model: DevToolsService on machine: localhost update DevTools service
The Dynamics 365 F&O Development Tools extension folder for Visual Studio was not found
The step failed.

In my opinion, there are 2 ways to solve the issue:

  • Install Visual Studio 2022 on the environment
  • Deploy a new environment with version 10.0.42 on the LCS, or if you use local machines, you can create one from the VHD with version 10.0.39 and upgrade it to 10.0.42.
You can find an official announcement here.

Tier-1(CHE) and Unified Developer Experience (UDE) environments build error: Another build is in progress.

In some cases you may face an issue with a model or project build in a Tier-1 environment.The error can be "another x++ build is curren...